Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holy Spring Snow Storm!

If you are in the Denver Metro/Front Range area, I advise you - stay inside!

I had to venture out tonight (in order to get to my home), and what is usually a 20 minute drive took about 50 minutes. I didn't get above 30 mph once, and I was fishtailing and sliding all over the place. Snow is blowing sideways, drifts are forming, and the roads are icy and slick. I saw at least 20 cars on the side and in the middle of roads, facing all different directions and struggling to make it up hills. The radio reported that basically every major highway and interstate in the surrounding area had either standstill traffic due to crashes and stalled vehicles or was completely shut down due to accumulating snow and stranded drivers. It is absolutely insane out there. I can only thank the good Lord that the plows passed down the street I was taking home right before I drove on them. And I mean literally right before I drove them; I was waiting at the light to turn and they passed by me down the road.

Now I am cozy in my apartment, and I can pray the office will be closed tomorrow. After all, the winter storm advisory doesn't lift until 6pm tomorrow evening.

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