Thursday, May 21, 2009


Apparently I don't know how blogging works yet. I guess when I start a post and don't finish it, it still posts with the date I started it on. Anyway, that's why the end of my most recent post might make no sense when you read it. I'll get this down some day...I hope.

Please Excuse My Absence

I should have known I wouldn't be good at this. It's too much like a journal, which I've never been good at keeping. For some reason I just can't usually find the time to write (that or I don't make the time to write). Anyway, I will try and be better. I promise.

For now though, it's back to work on a medical case study.

p.s. I found a post I started back in late April that I never posted. It will be out of order, but I'll post it after this one. Ciao!