Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Daily Grind

- Get up no later than 6:10am.
- Spend 45 minutes driving to work in traffic, feeling annoyed.
-Work for 8 hours with a 1 hour lunch break that usually involves a 30 minute walk (much needed!)
- Spend an hour driving home in traffic, feeling more annoyed than I do in the morning (because it's more crowded).
- Go to they gym for at least an hour, sometimes more.
- Shower, cook and eat dinner, pack lunch and clothes for the next day, chat with my roommate (in any order).
- Check email, watch TV, surf the net, read...for usually no more than 30 minutes, if at all.
- Go to bed and do it again the next day.

Possible variations:
1. Get up at 5:00-5:15am and work out before work so my evening is free. (What I would do with it, hard to say, but maybe grocery shop or do laundry. Fun fun.)
2. On Tuesdays I go to Donnie's and we eat dinner together and watch The Biggest Loser, usually while enjoying some sort of sweet treat (ironic, right?).
3. Thursdays I generally do something different in the evening: hang out with Donnie, get a drink with the girls, watch a video on where our food comes from (an event sponsored by Whole Foods, which I'm doing this Thursday) know, something different.
4. Sadly, I think that's about it.

This is not to say that I don't like my job, because I do; I really do. It's interesting, engaging, and different every day. Plus I get to interact with people constantly, counsel people in optimal nutrition practices, and work with people from the low-income population and from various cultures. I just feel like I hardly have a life outside of work anymore because between my commutes, work, exercising, showering, and eating, I have about an hour of time before I need to sleep to have energy to do it the next day. I only have time for work and taking care of my most basic needs in the day. That is not how a life should be lived abundantly. I think I need to re-evaluate my situation and change something (most likely my location of residence) to better satisfy myself. But then that presents the problem of finding a new roommate (always a tricky situation), which I don't want to do anyway because I really like my current roommate. Ah, such the conundrum. I'll deal with it another day though; I need to get to bed to start the grind again.

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