This all came out of my mailbox tonight.

{I'm realizing now this doesn't look as impressive in a photo}
{I'm realizing now this doesn't look as impressive in a photo}
Granted, I haven't checked my mail in a week, but still - that is a lot of mail!! To be exact, it is 3# 13 oz of mail. And the sad thing is, every bit of it is junk mail, magazines, solicitations, business stuff, or bills. wah wah
Some of you may be thinking about now, "Why were solicitations separated from junk mail?" The reason for that, my friends, is that I get mail from one organization that is very close to my heart that I could never consider junk, even if all their mail is in attempt to collect donations. And that organization, you may have guessed, is ASP. Oh how I love them, in spite of their frequent mailings for donations.
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