I was home in Illinois for Christmas this year, and we had a beautiful white Christmas. During my 10 days home I spent most of my time with friends and family. I went to a wedding shower for one of my best friends; I saw many of my girl friends from high school who I hadn't seen in over a year (plus some surprise meetings at Panera and a bar one night); I visited with two of my amazing friends from college; spent time with my "family" from church; celebrated Christmas with my extended family; and relaxed at home with my parents and dog. It was the perfect way to spend my Christmas. I just wish my brother and boyfriend had been home too.
In few words, take a look at my Christmas at home.
{the wedding shower}

{they got an ornament along with a story of significance rather than gift tags; great idea!}

{packing up their goodies}

{downtown Springfield one night}

{our traditional Christmas breakfast - monkey bread and fruit}

{Mom starting a new tradition of reading from a book between presents}

{enjoying our traditional Christmas brunch; this year
we did so with some of our favorite people}

{don't mind me in this picture; it's a great one of my parents
and Bailey is even in the background}
I hope your Christmas was as relaxing and wonderful as mine! Merry Christmas!
and Bailey is even in the background}
I hope your Christmas was as relaxing and wonderful as mine! Merry Christmas!
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