Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thoughts for the Week

What we are communicates far more eloquently than anything we say or do.

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. - Henry David Thoreau

The way you spend your time is a result of the way you see your time and the way you really see your priorities.

People can't live with change if there's not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Why I Live Here

I can't think of a better way to start the new year than at 13,000+ ft on the top of a mountain surrounded by incredible beauty and sunshine. This is why I live here.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thought For The Day

This is a good one to really ponder too...

If the grass seems greener on the other side, they're probably taking better care of it.

Think about that for a second. The pastor at the church I've been going to said that this morning, and it really got me thinking. It's true; if another person's situation seems better than yours, it's probably because they are working really hard and putting in the effort to have it be that way. They may have made some tough decisions, gotten hurt or failed along the way, but they have persevered and gotten to where they are. So, the next time you are thinking the grass looks greener somewhere else, get out in your yard and make your grass vibrantly green too.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

White Christmas

I was home in Illinois for Christmas this year, and we had a beautiful white Christmas. During my 10 days home I spent most of my time with friends and family. I went to a wedding shower for one of my best friends; I saw many of my girl friends from high school who I hadn't seen in over a year (plus some surprise meetings at Panera and a bar one night); I visited with two of my amazing friends from college; spent time with my "family" from church; celebrated Christmas with my extended family; and relaxed at home with my parents and dog. It was the perfect way to spend my Christmas. I just wish my brother and boyfriend had been home too.

In few words, take a look at my Christmas at home.

{the wedding shower}

{they got an ornament along with a story of significance rather than gift tags; great idea!}

{packing up their goodies}

{downtown Springfield one night}

{meeting with friends at Panera}

{extended family Christmas - always a blast!}

{playing Scene It, the comedy version}

{amazing! i love my family!}

{Christmas Eve}

{our completed Polar Express puzzle}

{playing chess by himself waiting for Christmas Eve dinner}

{Christmas morning}

{our traditional Christmas breakfast - monkey bread and fruit}

{Mom starting a new tradition of reading from a book between presents}

{enjoying our traditional Christmas brunch; this year
we did so with some of our favorite people}

{Adam wearing his gag gift from David; Crockett decked out for Christmas}

{don't mind me in this picture; it's a great one of my parents
and Bailey is even in the background}

I hope your Christmas was as relaxing and wonderful as mine! Merry Christmas!