Welcome to Elk Fest.
Where elk invade Estes Park to rest on the golf course, play in the school play ground, sleep in the front yard of a motel by the pool, and mate.
This is rutting season for elk and they are out in abundance, even more so than usual. The best places to find them? Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park.

{a bull and his harem. he beat out those two poor guys above, and if you can see his rack in this picture, you'll understand why.}
{on the golf course in Estes Park where we saw the slew of elk pictured above}
{Rocky Mountain National Park, at the top of Trail Ridge Road}{I imagine this is where John Denver was sitting as he wrote Rocky Mountain High}
{can you tell this is a sequence of him bugling: before, during, and after}
And the big guy by the pool...
{this picture is for reference of how close we were to that elk above, and because I love her}