My 100 Truths...1. Real name – Laura
2. Like it – Sure; I’ve never disliked it.
3. Single or taken - Single
4. Zodiac sign - Aquarius
5. Male or female - Female
6. Elementary – Butler (Go Bobcats!), then Rochester
7. Middle - Rochester
8. High – Rochester
9. College – Southern Illinois University Carbondale
10. Hair color - Dirty blonde
11. Eye color – Blue
12. Hair length – Long
13. Current worry – Hakuna Matata; it means no worrieees, for the rest of your daaaays!
14. Background – I was raised by an amazing mother and father in Springfield, IL. I have an older brother who is one of my best friends, and the most energetic golden retriever ever, Bailey. I was taught to show respect, love, and kindness to all around me, and have had the best life I can possibly imagine thus far.
15. Are you a health freak – Yes, but I have my indulgences. Everything in moderation.
16. Height - 5' 6''
17. Do you have a crush on someone – Yes…always.
18. Do you like yourself – Yes; however, I know there is always room for improvement!
19. Piercings – 4; two in each ear
20. Tattoos – No, and doubtful. Although I’ve always played with the idea.
21. Righty or lefty - Righty
FIRSTS-22. First surgery – Age 5, maybe 6; on my eye lid.
23. First piercings – Ears
24. First best friend – Kimberly Dawn! Always my bestie.
25. First award – Probably a sticker in church, or a ribbon in gymnastics. I might have gotten a trophy or ribbon or something in t-ball or soccer, but I doubt I earned that.
26. First sport – Gymnastics
27. First pet – Maggie Mae, my golden retriever (not counting my brother’s reptiles)
28. First vacation – Probably Colorado, skiing or backpacking. Not sure which came first.
29. First teacher - That I remember – Mrs. Killebrew, my kindergarten teacher at Butler.
30. First crush - James Fairley, I think that was his last name.
THIS OR THAT-31. Orange or apple juice – Orange juice, as long as it’s pulp free.
32. Rock or rap – Rock, preferably classic rock.
33. Country or screamo – Country; that will always take me back.
34. Nsync or Backsteet Boys – Nsync, all the way! I have quite the boy band history.
35. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera – Britney; great dance music, even if she can’t sing.
36. Night or day – Day
39. Playstation or Xbox – I’m more of a Nintendo or Sega girl.
40. Kiss or hug – Yes please.
41. Iguana or turtle – Turtles!
43. Fall or spring – I love them both, but I think I have to go with Fall on this one.
44. Limewire or iTunes - Limewire
46. Soccer or baseball – Baseball, but soccer players are always so cute! It’s like a rule or something.
50. Drinking – Right now? Nothing. Water usually.
51. What’s next - Dinner and a movie with the girls!
53. Singing – I love to, especially in my car.
54. Typing – I’m pretty proficient.
FUTURE-55. Kids? Not yet.
56. When – In the future
57. Want to get married – Yes
58. When – I’ll know when the time is right.
59. Where do you want to live – I could be happy anywhere, but I sure love Colorado.
60. How many kids do you want – Two, but I’ll take what God gives me.
61. Any name on the mind – For kids? I’m not even in a relationship, why would I be thinking of kids’ names?
62. What did you want to be when you were little – My mom tells me I wanted to be a gas station attendant. Once my aspirations grew, I wanted to be a vet.
63. What do you think you'll really be doing – Well I’m working on becoming an RD.
64. Mellow future or wild – I like to mix it up. It keeps things interesting.
66. Something you would never try – Never say never.
67. When do you wanna die – When I feel I have nothing left to give.
WHICH IS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX-68. Lips or eyes – Smile, but eyes are nice too.
69. Hugging or kissing – Can I have both?
70. Shorter or taller – Taller
71. Tan skinned or light – Naturally tanned is nice, but I don’t care.
72. Romantic or spontaneous – A nice combination
73. Dark or light hair – Doesn’t matter to me
75. Hook-up or relationship – Relationship; much more fulfilling.
76. Similar to you or different – A little bit of both.
HAVE YOU EVER-78. Kissed a stranger – Once
79. Drank bubbles – Not that I remember, but I wouldn’t put it past me.
80. Broken a bone – Yes; lower back and foot
81. Climbed up a tree – All the time
82. Broke someone’s heart – I think so, and for that I’m sorry.
83. Turned someone down – Yes, but I don’t like it.
84. Had your heart broken – Yes; it was awful.
85. Liked a friend as more than a friend – Yes; that seems to be how it always starts.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN-86. Yourself – Of course.
87. Miracles - Definitely
88. Love at first sight – No, but the sight is usually what starts the conversation that could lead to love.
89. Santa Claus – I’ll always hear sleigh bells. :o)
90. Kiss on first date – No, but then again I’ve only ever been on about 3
first dates.
91. Angels – Absolutely
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY-92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now - Yes
93. Who is it – Anyone; my apartment is lonely.
94. Like someone – Yes.
LASTS-95. Text message – Trevor when I started this thing; Kim by the time I got back to finish it.
96. Received call - Dad
97. Call made – A doctor’s office. How sad is that?
98. Facebook message – received? Rob Love
99. Missed call – Sarah, from the office of ASP
100. Last hung out with – Kristy, Sherri, Courtney, and Nikki (other interns and coworkers). Dinner and a movie night. It was great.